We are a team of volunteers with 2 core goals:-

  1. To provide opportunities for all people to access safe, affordable housing. 
  2. To provide feral pest free sanctuaries for indigenous flora and fauna

Although these 2 objective may seem vastly different, there is a synergy. Australian’s are part of a delicately balanced ecosystem. To thrive, we need to have compassion and consideration of others. Our lives are intertwined with nature- we have a responsibility to maintain and restore the ecological balance.

The Homeless Project is a public benevolent institution registered with ASIC and ACNC – (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission) which is the governing body for registered charities in Australia.

Donations to the Homeless Project are tax deductible.

Our mandate is that 100% of all donations are delivered to the cause. Even our logo and website has been generously donated.


We raise funds to design and construct dignified, purpose built wheelchair compliant dwellings for people who are homeless or at risk.

In the 2006 Australian Bureau of Statistics National Census, it was reported that there were more than 100,000 homeless people residing in Australia.

Our mission is to develop a range of strategies that facilitate social inclusion and equity housing.

Our current aims and objectives: 

  • To design and construct dignified, purpose-built, wheelchair compliant dwellings for people who are homeless or at risk.
  • To support and foster innovative research-backed initiatives that address youth homelessness in Victoria.
  • To continue to offering a free integrative psychological and counselling outreach service.

The Homeless Project News Room




041 222 0596


P.O.Box 222 Seaford VIC 3198